Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Information and Knowledge

What is the difference between information and knowledge? Tim Donahue


The Ranting Medic said...

I think that information relates more to the published knowledge of others whereas knowledge is the personal understanding of a subject that can be published in some form to become information to everyone else.

Mike Pasque

andy gremillion said...

I think the difference between information and knowledge is that information is something you can find somewhere, such as in a book or on the internet. Knowledge is something that you retain in your brain after you have acquired said information.

Unknown said...

information is what we can achieve but knowledge is what we have achieved.

John said...

Information is gained from text. Knowledge is obtained from hands-on experience.

John Nowak

Unknown said...

Information is what one requires to increase knowlege. Jesi Lalum

Andrew Koski said...

I think the the difference between information and knowledge is that information is something that someone or something teaches you, and knowledge is the understating that you have on a subject.

Bill said...

Information is traceable, varafiable data where knowledge is informed opinion. Bill